Expectations of Women
Archive project working with material from the Matrix
Open, a feminist architecture archive. Later this publication
was one of few selected to become permanently
part of the archive.
The aim of this publication was to also act as an
exhibition, containing a variety of fold outs and folders,
making it interactive.
The publication covers- Women in architecture,
Women in construction, Expectations of women in
media. These three sections were differentiated by three
different paper stocks, to reflect the tactility of each topic.
In collaboration with Brandon Williams.
Open, a feminist architecture archive. Later this publication
was one of few selected to become permanently
part of the archive.
The aim of this publication was to also act as an
exhibition, containing a variety of fold outs and folders,
making it interactive.
The publication covers- Women in architecture,
Women in construction, Expectations of women in
media. These three sections were differentiated by three
different paper stocks, to reflect the tactility of each topic.
In collaboration with Brandon Williams.